Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about Project Oasis, including questions about the purpose of the directory, how publishers can be included in the directory, and our plans for expansion in the future.

Because it helps to better recognize global trends, opportunities, and challenges, and give vital media players greater visibility.

The trends, insights and other information presented in our report are based on our analysis of this selection of media outlets, and the information they provided us with during the research phase.

Yes, you can submit any digital media organizations to be included in the Project Oasis with this form

Please note that all submissions are reviewed by the local Project Oasis team to ensure that they meet our criteria. Each directory has its own criteria for inclusion. The main criteria are the same, but there are some regional differences. You can find the criteria for each region by following these links: criteria for Europe, criteria for Latin America, criteria for the United States and Canada, and criteria for Brazil

If you submit a media project that is located in a country we have not yet mapped, we will keep the submission as a candidate and review it when we have a partner or local researchers in the country. 

Yes, our goal is to map digital native media throughout the world. We have already secured initial funding to start mapping media in India, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, and South Africa. We are seeking additional support to map more countries. If you are interested in working with us as a partner or supporter, please email: [email protected] 

No, we do not provide grants or other financial support, but we have found that being included in the directory can help make your media more visible and credible to donors. We also share opportunities for funding in our Sustainable Connections newsletter, which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this page. We also recommend the comprehensive funding opportunities lists and email newsletters from our partners: The Global Media Forum (GFMD) and IJNet, from the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) 

Explore the media directory

Search more than 3,000 media profiles from 68 countries with details on coverage areas, revenue sources, and other characteristics.

Read the Project Oasis Report

Discover the latest trends, opportunities, and threats affecting independent digital native media in our latest report.